Experience on home studying during Covid-19 pandemic

Write some paragraphs about your experience on home studying during Covid-19 pandemic. Please explain these matters in your paragraphs:
How is your feeling switching from attending traditional class into online study at home?
is there any difficulty in learning at home? 
If there is any difficulty in learning at home, please explain what it is?
How do you deal with the difficulty in learning at home?
Do you have any idea to make learning at home a lot of fun and to make you easier to learn
Online learning is not easy, especially most teachers only give materials and assignments without any explanation so there are some materials that are difficult to understand. whereas when students in a classroom have a better learning experience, because they can always ask the professor if there is something unclear. They can discuss topics with colleagues.
Online teaching is very difficult and complicated for some students. It has some difficulty when learning at home, there are common problems faced by students in eLearning classes, that is:
Internet network is a problem for students.
Many students have online communication facilities with teachers, but there are also students who are constrained by facilities and internet networks. Where when doing assignments or carrying out exams sometimes the internet network suddenly disappears and causes delays to collect assignments.
Technical problems
Technical problems are one of the main problem of online class. Very often, there are compatibility issues (with operating systems, browsers or smartphones), the courses never get off the ground or the student doesn’t know how to continue. All this adds to their frustration and the learning experience is disrupted and they will probably abandon the course.
Time management
Students do not know the course exists because there is no specific notification if there is a new assignment on the classroom learning web. except if the lecturer notifies the class representative if an assignment has been published.
From the problems that already exist above, there is solutions how to deal with them :
From the problems that already exist above, there are solutions how to deal with them: • Solutions to overcome connection problems are as online students, reliable internet is the key. If you plan to do a lot of school work at home, you will want a fast internet connection at home. Choose high-quality home services so you can do your work quickly without internet problems.
The solution to overcome a technical problem is to choose to open a browser with a lightweight application and try not to open too many web pages to avoid lag on the web that is run.
The solution to overcome a time management with discipline to check every day if there are new tasks that are updated in a virtual class, then make a list of assignments for this week or every day with what you need to do. or you can also ask a friend to find out news about the task deadline.

There is some ideas to make learning at home easier and more fun, example:
Make your room as comfortable as possible to study so you can focus. 
Prepare food and drinks if you are not disturbed. You can play your favorite music when you take lessons so you don't get bored. 
If you don't understand the lesson, you can coordinate group activities using chat, discussion boards or cloud tools to collaborate. 
Don't forget to pray and discuss with friends if there is material that is difficult to understand
